LPTheory v2.0

Does the new era like to the fans?

This is the first time I've written a post about the site created on this platform and I don't even know if there will be anyone who can go and read it. But I wanted to take stock of the situation on everything: the site and its updates, the reunion and the new entries.


Let's start!


So the site has been down since 2017, a year that all of us Linkin Park fans know very well and in the meantime the site has had problems with images and some broken links. I hope to be able to regenerate them to have a site complete with all the necessary information.

In addition, several pages have been added regarding the bio of the new members, the new tour and a page dedicated to the next album with a dedicated countdown in the sidebar.

All the videos will have to be updated in 16:9 in the Videography section and the collections "Lost Demos" and "Papercuts- Singles Collection 2000-2023" will have to be created, plus other upcoming updates.


Second, but not least, I wanted to write a few lines about this reunion since on social media and the media they do nothing but talk both good and bad. Personally, I think that a reunion had to be done anyway. The project up until the Chester era was carried forward with head held high and it was also thanks to Chester that we had, in my opinion, the best songs so in this sense it will be completely irreplaceable.


Fans, like me, have been accustomed to his presence and his way of being (also and especially behind the scenes) and of composing music. Therefore, I think that we simply need to give them time to get used to the new co-vocalist Emily.


Others instead point the finger at fans who can't get used to the change so quickly. "You don't like the new Linkin Park, don't listen to them". This sentence for those who have dreamed, for those who have listened to their songs several times, for those who have simply supported the band has a certain weight. It would be like asking to erase all the past. The same past that accompanied you for a certain time.


To the question: "What do you think of Emily?" my answer will be: "Nice person, good singer even if she can improve but still mentally she will never be the worthy substitute (or how we want to consider her) of Chester.


Trying to answer some threads in the well-known app linked to instagram, someone praised the fact of having Linkin Park back together once again; but of course, how can a fan of a group or artist not be happy to see their group or artist that starts playing again, composing new music, experimenting with new melodies and creating good music videos?


Another point is the interpretation of the old glories (that's what I call the songs from Hybrid Theory and Meteora) where fans listening to Emily sing can't have the same feeling and emotion as when they listened to that same song at the beginning.


All this makes us think especially about the future of the band that has made a second beginning ("From Zero" is actually an allusion to the fact that we are starting again, although Zero-Xero could be another reference).